Year 6 to 7 Transitions

During Term 2, your child’s primary school will provide you with information regarding the Year 6 to 7 transition and enrolment process. This will include a timeline for each stage of the transition in line with the Department of Education’s guidelines. The primary school will help guide families in this process.

For further information regarding the Year 6 to 7 Transition program at Western Port Secondary College, please see Transitions

Year 7 – 12 Enrolments for families moving into the area

We welcome enquiries from families moving into the area to enrol their child at Western Port Secondary College. Initial contact can be made by submitting an Enrolment Enquiry

Please refer to Find my School to see if you are within our school zone.

Western Port Secondary College follows the Department of Education’s Enrolment Policy for the enrolment, placement, and transfer of students.

Students who live within the Western Port Secondary College school zone are guaranteed a place at our school. To find out whether you live in our zone, visit

Enrolment enquiries for families not residing within our school zone will be considered subject to available space, and prioritised according to Department of Education’s Enrolment Policy.

It is a Department of Education requirement that evidence of identity and date of birth is provided to the College prior to enrolment. Accepted documents include birth certificate or passport.

Enrolment Enquiries: Please complete an Enrolment Enquiry and a member of the College team will be in touch.

Enrolment Enquiry