
Elevate @ WPSC

Elevate is a learning program for students who have become disengaged or disconnected from their schooling and would benefit from receiving close support in a smaller learning environment to rebuild their learning stamina and confidence. We work with students, their families, allied health and teachers to create effective learning and transition plans which support students to feel empowered and respected members of the Western Port Secondary College community.

Elevate takes a trauma informed practice approach to supporting learners in the program. This approach is informed by both the Oakwood School model and the Berry Street models of education. Students in Elevate engage in a mix of independent learning time and structured classes which follow the same format as the classes at the college so students can experience classroom learning in a safe environment.  

At Western Port Secondary College, we believe that any student can have their needs met within a mainstream setting with the right supports and work closely with students and teachers to identify what supports are needed for a successful transition and how mainstream educators can support this through our inclusive approach to education  

Enrolment Enquiry