Instrumental Music

Extra Curricular Music Program

WPSC Music department is a thriving and dynamic creative area in the school. We have regular concerts for student bands and soloists in formal and informal settings and collaborate with our local primary schools. Students are able to access expert tuition on a wide range of instruments and follow their musical ambitions through available rehearsal spaces.  Learning an instrument reduces stress, increases perseverance, patience and memory capability. It cultivates creativity, music appreciation and time management skills. In fact it is probably one of the best activities you can do for your brain! Instrumental music is the ideal companion for Music classes in Years 7 & 8, highly recommended for Music electives in Years 9&10 and essential for VCE. Music is central to the community at WPSC, come and join the fun!

Tristan, Rory and Chase performing at our inaugural Winter Concert

Western Port Secondary College offers a comprehensive range of instrumental lessons as part of its extra curricular music program.

Aside from the obvious enjoyment in learning an instrument and working with other music students, research has shown that learning a musical instrument can increase a child’s memory and thinking skills and assists in improving actual academic achievement.

The College offers tuition on:

  • Alto Saxophone
  • Tenor Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Guitar
  • Bass
  • Drums
  • Voice
  • Keyboard/Piano

All students are timetabled into a weekly lesson and work in either a one on one or group setting.

There are a number of different bands that are offered at the College.

These include:

  • Stage Band
  • Vocal Ensemble
  • Instrumental Ensemble
  • Rock Band

Groups are encouraged to perform at a number of different events both at school and within the wider community.

Enrolment Enquiry