On Time & Ready to Learn

Arrival to class on time.

This is a fundamental positive learning behaviour required by all students and will be a main area of this school-wide focus.

Arriving to class on time ensures that the teacher can provide a structured entry into the classroom and deliver their lesson following the Western Port Instruction Model (WIM). The WIM begins with a STARTER phase which can be very disrupted when students arrive late to class.


Students need to ensure that they have the required materials for each and every class in order to actively engage in the teaching and learning program.

WPSC engages with Box of Books for the provision of digital and physical education resources. Please visit www.boxofbooks.com.au for further information.

Most of the requirements are outlined with the College booklist but as a general rule they include:

  • Fully charged device
  • Pencil case with (blue, black and red pen, grey lead and colour pencils, eraser and pencil sharpener)
  • A set of basic mathematical instruments (ruler, protractor, compass, etc.)
  • Scientific calculator (as per booklist)
  • Writing/Exercise book
  • Textbook (where applicable)
  • Reading Novel/Material (English)
  • Medium plastic container (cooking)

Students who have a BYOD laptop must ensure that it is fully charged each night and brought to school as part of their required materials for class. Please check daily to ensure that this is occurring.

Classroom teachers will be at the door welcoming students at the start of every class and to check they have arrived with their learning materials to ensure they demonstrate a commitment to learning within the classroom.


The requirement for students to wear the College uniform comes from our school council, therefore all students must be in WPSC uniform at all times. The College uniform is designed to achieve a neat and tidy appearance for all students. Experience has shown that the wearing of uniform improves both the general appearance and behaviour of students and contributes markedly to the College tone. It is also shown that uniform is the most economical form of College dress because of its durability.

If a student is waiting for a uniform item to be supplied by Beleza, a temporary loan item will be provided by the College (where possible) to ensure the uniform policy is adhered to.

Students must provide a note from parents/carers and report to the community meeting room (CMR) to receive a uniform pass. Passes will be issued for short periods of time in instances where we are not able to loan an item to your student.

Should you need assistance in purchasing uniform items due to financial pressures, we have the support of State Schools Relief who very generously provide vouchers for families which cover a significant portion of the costs for uniform. If you require this support, please contact our wellbeing team via email western.port.sc@education.vic.gov.au

The Principal team reserves the right to all final decisions made about a student’s appearance/dress code.


Students out of class, late to class without a valid reason without a note from a staff member, students who do not bring required materials to class or student who are not in uniform without a uniform pass will be supported to continue their learning for that lesson in a separate space with a member of the school leadership team. Repeated Ready to Learn issues will result in escalating consequences.

Enrolment Enquiry